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What Is A Bunion?

What Is A Bunion?

A bunion (hallux valgus) is a bony lump on the side of your foot next to your big toe joint.  As time goes by your big toe will begin to turn inwards towards your little toes.  As your bunions grow, they may become painful and uncomfortable when wearing certain shoes. Often toes can become deformed you may develop a ‘hammer’ or ‘claw’ toe, this is when your toe sticks up in the air.  A corn or callus can form on the knuckle of your toe and on the sole of your foot, it is important you care for your skin.

What causes a bunion?

Unfortunately, you cannot prevent bunions, but you can take steps not to aggravate them.

Causes include:

– Hereditary link
– Stresses on your foot
– Structural defect
– Injury
– Medical condition such as arthritis

Risk Factors

– Narrow or tight footwear
– High heels
– Inflammatory disease – rheumatoid arthritis/gout


Some people don’t suffer with symptoms, but they can include:

– Swelling and redness around the joint
– Pain in big toe joint
– Restricted movement in your big toe

– Smaller toes becoming deformed and forming corns\callus

What should I do if I have a bunion?

To keep your bunions happy, it is important to wear footwear that will accommodate the bony lump and increased width of your foot. Often the lump can rub on the inside of your shoe or seam this can cause a blister or your skin to become red and irritated.  You should look for a shoe that is wide enough for your forefoot and deep enough to accommodate your toes.

You should also check your skin daily especially if you have diabetes. You can protect your skin with specialist products such as bunion guards or toe protectors along with using a foot file and moisturiser regularly.

What is the treatment?

Treatments cannot stop a bunion from getting worse but might help to ease the symptoms. Surgery is usually only an option if you are in severe pain with your bunion.

Treatments to ease symptoms include:

–       Appropriate wide fitting shoes/slippers

–       Orthotics – shoe insoles

–       Padding/protection over bunion and toe deformities

–       Callus and corn treatment

–       Surgery – usually only if severely affecting everyday life

How can ACE help?

The Healthcare Hub stock a wide range of men and women’s shoes and slippers suitable for bunions and hammertoes. We have a team of assistants that will ensure your shoes are fitted correctly.  We also stock footcare products such as bunion guards, gel toe protectors and foot cream.

We have a ground floor chiropody clinic to take care of your nail and skin needs.  Our HCPC podiatrists provide nail cutting, removal of hard skin/ callus and corns.  They can also assess your skin and advise on products to protect your skin and suitable footwear styles.

ACE also has a podiatry clinic specialising in gait analysis. An assessment, incorporating physical examination and analysis using the latest computerised scanning technology by our experienced Podiatrists, will help to identify any irregularities in the way in which your foot functions whilst moving.
If necessary, we will prescribe functional insoles to rectify any such discrepancies by supporting and correcting the foot throughout the gait cycle. As a result, reducing the stress and strain on muscles, ligaments and joints.

Need help with your injury?

Click the button below to book an appointment with one of our HCPC Registered Podiatrists today!

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