Swift Verruca Treatment
Swift Verruca Treatment at The Healthcare Hub
Swift is the latest, market leading treatment for Verrucae and Warts in the UK & Europe. This evidence based treatment is proved to have over 75% success rate after 3 treatments. This is why we advise purchasing our discounted package of 3 treatments.

What is Swift Verruca/Hand Wart Treatment?
Swift is the newest treatment available on the market for verruca and hand wart treatments. Swift applies microwave therapy applied through the Swift applicator. This allows a very localised and precise application of heat to the affected tissue. This application of heats allows the body to detect the Verruca and your immune system should kick in, attack it and remove it.
What conditions are treated with Swift?
At ACE we would assess any lower limb injury, over the years we have become specialists in the treatment of common conditions seen week in, week out. Here is a list of the most common conditions treated here at ACE.
Verrucae are essentially warts that effect the foot. These are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) that lives between the layers of the skin.
Hand Warts
Warts are also caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus accelerates skin development leaving you with a wart.
Swift Verruca Treatment at The Healthcare Hub
Our Swift Verruca Treatments are carried out at our Healthcare Hub clinics. To learn click the link below.
What to expect at your appointment
Medical appointments can be a little scary sometimes so we do everything we can to put your mind at rest. Here we explain what to expect during your appointment:
Book an appointment01.
A verruca consultation is needed before any treatment can take place. This is to make sure that you are eligible for treatment and to make sure that Swift is the best treatment option for you.
Swift Treatment
If Swift has been chosen as the best treatment option for your verruca or wart then the treatment will commence. We will apply Swift up to 3-5 times per verruca for approximately 2 seconds application. This will then be repeated 3 times, once every 4 weeks.
Swift Follow-Up
A follow-up appointment will be arranged 12 weeks after the last treatment. This will be to see how the verruca/wart has responded.
Book a Verruca Consultation
If you feel that you would benefit from Swift Verruca Treatment then get booked in with one of our HCPC registered podiatrists to discuss your options. Get booked in below:
Meet our HCPC registered Podiatrist
Our HCPC Registered Podiatrists have spent a minimum of 3 years at university studying towards a BSc in Podiatry.
Have any questions?
We’re here to help! If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best service possible and is always ready to assist you.
Whether you’re curious about our services, need support, or just want to chat, we’re eager to hear from you.
Frequently asked questions
Below we have answered some frequently asked questions we regularly get at our clinics prior to your appointment.
Is the treatment painful?
Swift can be uncomfortable during the treatment with patient reporting a sharp scratch type sensation. The application of swift only last for a short period of time and our podiatrist will make every effort to keep you as comfortable as possible.
Does the treatment leave a wound?
No, one of the big positives about Swift treatment is that is doesn’t break the skin, doesn’t leave a wound and doesn’t need bulky dressings.
Will I only need 3 treatments?
The research and trials that have been undertaken leads us to believe that Swift has a 74% success rate after 3 treatments and 82% success rate after 4 treatments.
Can you treat children with Swift?
This will be discussed on an individual patient by patient basis, however treating children under the age of 8 might not be appropriate.